The core is the powerhouse of the spine.

Let's strengthen yours.

Our new course teaches those with scoliosis a safe and effective way to strengthen their core and help minimize daily pain.

Core Control With Scoliosis

Get Access to the Course Here!

Core Control is Crucial for Those of Us Living With Scoliosis

The core is the center of the body, and it plays a huge role in your ability to support your spine’s curves. Your core is necessary for almost every movement, allowing you to move freely and safely.

The stronger your core is, the better your body can stabilize your spine and improve your posture — and lessen the painful symptoms that come with scoliosis.

A stronger core can help you to do more during the day with less fatigue and less pain. You can be more active with your family and life without worrying about your back and the discomfort it causes.

But Traditional Core Work Falls Short

If you have scoliosis and you’ve ever tried to strengthen your core, odds are you’ve started with the basics: crunches, planks, sit-ups, and so on.

But what many people with scoliosis don’t know is that there’s often too much twisting and bending for traditional core training to be helpful or enjoyable, and so they only injure or hurt themselves even more.

It’s true — most exercise programs don’t account for those with scoliosis, so there’s still a lot of confusion about what’s safe and what’s not.

That’s exactly why we created the Core Control With Scoliosis Course

This self-paced, online program will teach you how to strengthen your core without the fear of hurting yourself with exercises that are uncomfortable and unhelpful.

PLUS - Bonus!

Free Core Strengthening Calendar

As we all know, consistency is key in building muscle and reducing pain. We’ll help you build core strength to better support your spine with this PDF core strengthening calendar.

By the end of this course you will…

  • Feel more confident in your ability to exercise your core

  • Feel safe working out because you have tools and resources at your disposal

  • Know how to build a core strengthening routine that works for you and your body

  • Know how to keep a long-term commitment to keeping your core strong so that it supports your spine and minimizes the pain associated with scoliosis


Core Control With Scoliosis

Get Started Now!


I will absolutely tell you that the exercises that you had me doing have helped so much. It's becoming a habit now to do them. Thank you!! I have not been this pain free and spasm free in years.

- Cheri

I am finally feeling less and less pain. I am gaining strength. Not only that, but she’s given me my life back.

- Wendy

Beth has helped me learn to love my body and that movement feels so good. After a recent hike I learned I hadn't liked hiking because I wasn't strong enough to enjoy it. Now I am stronger and am ready for more adventures!

- Alexandra

It's time to feel strong, stable, and supported by your core. You in?

Enroll now for $129

Meet Your Instructor

Beth Terranova, PT, DPT

I was diagnosed with scoliosis as a teenager. Not long after, I was introduced to competing in Olympic weightlifting. Over my career, I battled imbalances due to my own scoliosis. Those experiences helped mold my career as a physical therapist. I trained as a Schroth physical therapist to help those with specific scoliosis exercises.

I started Strength and Spine because I realized there were few PTs or personal trainers that really understood scoliosis. Being active always made my scoliosis feel amazing, so I wanted to share that with people everywhere.

Have questions about Core Control With Scoliosis? Email me at [email protected] and I’ll help you!

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