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Get our Claim Your Curve, Core Control with Scoliosis, and Stretching with Scoliosis Courses together for 40% off.
Learn how to:
Classify your curve type and understand your individual needs
Build strength and better breathing in your best alignment
Create a stretching program customized to you
Integrate core exercises specific for scoliosis
Understand your curve and where to start to improve your alignment and breathing
Learn how to:
Understand conservative treatments for scoliosis and spinal fusion
Classify your curve type and understand your individual needs
Build strength and better breathing in your best alignment
Core Control with Scoliosis
Build a strong core with the RIGHT core exercises for your specific curve
Learn how to:
Understand why core strengthening is important for scoliosis and spinal fusion
Learn how to adapt and which core exercises to avoid if you have scoliosis or spinal fusion
Create a core program based on exercises that are the most effective for your individual curve.
Stretching with Scoliosis
Tailor your stretching and mobility program specific to you for the most pain relief
Learn how to:
Learn how to stretch safely with scoliosis
Understand how to adapt your program if you're hypermobile
Follow easy steps to analyze your own flexibility and create a stretching program as unique as you!
Beth Terranova, PT, DPT
I was diagnosed with scoliosis as a teenager. Not long after, I was introduced to competing in Olympic weightlifting. Over my career, I battled imbalances due to my own scoliosis. Those experiences helped mold my career as a physical therapist. I trained as a Schroth physical therapist to help those with specific scoliosis exercises.
I started Strength and Spine because I realized there were few PTs or personal trainers that really understood scoliosis. Being active always made my scoliosis feel amazing, so I wanted to share that with people everywhere.
Have questions about our courses? Email me at [email protected] and I’ll help you!
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